“Delco: The Movie” will have its world premiere next weekend at Media Theatre.
Shows are at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18 and 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 19, at 104 East State Street, Media.
“Delco: The Movie” is a coming-of-age drama-comedy about three high school seniors in 2004 Delaware County who question their beliefs and have a wild night out. The movie was filmed on location in Delaware County and including the Media Theatre itself, as well as a Wawa, Sun Valley High School in Aston, First Presbyterian Church of Springfield and Tom Jones Family Restaurant.
Director Chris Pierdomenico, is a former Delaware County resident who graduated Sun Valley High school. The lead characters are played by l ocal actors Steve Harding, Jeff Pfeiffer, Jenna Kuerzi.
For tickets, visit Media Theatre.